Suchit Bachalli, President at Unilog
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Suchit Bachalli


Check out the incredible speaker line-up to see who will be joining Suchit.

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Omnichannel Development Day

Thursday, November 5th, 2015

Building Innovative Digital Strategies

Saturday, December 5th, 2015

15:35 Innovation Spotlight on Unilog

The ‘human’ evolution of B2B commerce is demanding a new breed of technology solutions. There is no doubt that B2B Commerce will be pushed into delivering experiences with the ‘least human interaction’. Delivering these complex experiences within B2B requires that companies look beyond domain specific solutions. Companies will need to approach this problem by identifying a way to bring the entire E-Business Infrastructure into play. Easier said than done? What does that mean? In this session Unilog’s Suchit Bachalli will discuss how a new, more complete approach to B2B Commerce can help companies, both large and small, deliver exactly that. A true Contactless, Omnichannel B2B Experience.