B2B Online 2015 (past event)
May 11 - 13, 2015
Contact Us: 888-482-6012
Rob Smith
Former Global eBusiness Manager
Digital Transformation Implementation
Tuesday, January 5th, 2016
14:35 Challenges Coordinating B2B Digital Effort Between Supplier, Distributor and End User
In all industries there is a blurring in the digital space. The "confusion" is driven by many pressures - due to technology, access, availability of information, data, standards, cost, speed, new business models, and new customer expectations. This talk will describe the evolution of this conversation over the past 15 years from a Suppliers perspective, having worked very closely with many Distribution partners in several industry segments. Sorting through the various examples and models there are some common truths that point to where potential solutions will likely emerge and present a vision for a much improved "simpler" future.